What is Pay for Performance Marketing?
We take the advertising risks so that you don't. If we perform we get paid. If we're not succesful we lose money. You pass the risk to us. But, we rarely lose. And, you never lose.
You handle these sales just like any other sales. Because they are normal sales - at your full price.
Don't worry about creating reports, tracking sales, installling software or our needing secret agents to get paid.
We're built the simplest solution. We partner with credit card companies. They provide us with data telling us which of our promotions are generating sales, when and how much.
Based upon their reports, and the fees which we've already agreed to, we get paid from them - just like you do.
Yes, from the dashboard, which we provide you, you can access reports, see transactions, and learn what's working and what isn't. Based upon our success you may want to add more items or even tell your friends how great our service is.
We take the advertising risks so that you don't. If we perform we get paid. If we're not succesful we lose money. You pass the risk to us. But, we rarely lose. And, you never lose.
No. But, remember we're advertising for you. It's common sense for you to create an offer as attractive as reasonable to encourage a lot of growth. We won't be succesful selling $500 ballons.
You get additional sales at no additional cost.We get to profit from your products and services.Customers gain by learning and buying your products and services.
With our Pay for Success plan - you only pay for success.
It's simple yet very powerful idea.
Our experts determine where to promote you and we take all the risks. You ads may be seen by millions.
Thinking about paying for advertising? That's a thoughtful decision.
Thinking about paying for success. That decision isn't so difficult.
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