AI Chatbots

We can guarantee an increase of 200% - 1,000% lead-generation or sales.

6 Simple Reasons why our AI Chatbots are worth looking into:

  1. Our AI Chabots  quickly answer your users.
  2. Interactive pages get users involved. 
  3. Involved users are more likely to purchase.
  4. Our AI Chatbots are ALWAYS working.   You can't convince them to go home to their family. And, while they can be very social, they have no friends.
  5. Our AI Chatbots belong to Union 276 whose bylaws state that non-human AI Chatbots not get overtime, pension, take sick days, or allowed to file HR grievances with any legal authorities.   
  6. Our AI Chatbots can be taught, as needed to: schedule appointments with experts, upsell, handle problems, capture leads or tell a joke.
  7. Our AI Chatbots are extremely cost effective and ahead of where the market is going.   

Where can you use AI Chatbots?

  • Book appointments for appointments
  • Book appointments with salespeople
  • Customer Service on your website
  • Upsell products or services
  • Confirm appointments, shipments, re-orders
  • On Your Social Media Pages
  • Within e-mail campaigns or blasts
  • Convert prospects -> Leads
  • Convert leads -> Sales
  • Upsell small sales -> Large Sales
  • Answer customer complaints
  • Handle return requests
  • Help educate your prospects, users and staff

By now you may have sensed a pattern.   You can use them all over the place in almost an unlimited scope of areas.

CustomWebsites.Club will

Train, Feed & Manage your AI Chatbots

Getting started is easy.  Read our FAQ below.  We're likely a lot less money than your ever thought we would be.  You'll tell us what you want.  We deliver what you want.  It can be that simple.




Pricing and FAQ

What Can I train your AI Chatbot to do?

Well, a lot. Let's discuss what you need because that's our goal to aim for. We may not reach the stars but at least we will get past the moon.

How much Do AI Chatbots Cost?

It depends upon what you need. However, our most common AI Chatbots are often $100/month and $300/setup.

Do you offer NLP?


Will AI chatbots integrate with what I'm using?

Likely yes. They almost always do. Tell us your specifics and we will confirm before doing any work.

If you want to know more.... Talk to Us!

Our AI Chatbots are Great, Cost-Effective and Fearless.  They make loveable pets and we would be glad to place them in your business.


Our Experts are Ready to Help!

Connect with one of our Local Experts today and discuss your requirements. Free advice.

Want to connect with a
marketing expert? Dial in!

(732) 603-1262
